Flag Magical Mathematics[Interesting Approach]> Hello, I have two children in 3 rd and 4 ...
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Hello, I have two children in 3rd and 4th standard. They are presently studying Abacus and Mental Maths. We intend to encourage them to pursue International Junior Science Olympiad in the future. My questions are: After they have mastered Mental Maths by 5th standard. Will Vedic maths help? Can the children begin to prepare for IJSO early and how early can they start preparing? What are the avenues of training for students who want to prepare early in school?Thank you for this initiative of askiitians.com Ryan Alex

Ryan , 4 Years ago
Grade 6
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Dear Madam
I have learnt abacus 3 years also secured ranks in many of the abacus competitions. But Now in my senior secondary school I think all my parents money was for Nothing. Instead you should encourage them to learn Vedic Maths
It will help
Hope my answer Helps:)

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